Soundshaper – CDP GUI Compatible with PC ONLY

Soundshaper (6.1) is a 'front-end', meaning that it accesses and uses the underlying CDP sound transformation and editing programs. The installation includes the CDP software as standard and is fully compatible with CDP Release 7.1.

Soundshaper can be downloaded via the CDP Downloads Page or from Robert Fraser's website Check there for periodic updates.

Soundshaper has several important features:

  • Create multi-process patches in a simple grid structure
  • Preview up to 99 parameter variants per process
  • Save and recall patches, or run with different source files
  • Re-edit patch cells or replace with alternative processes
  • Automatic conversion of CDP file types
  • Full support for stereo and multi-channel files

For more information see About Soundshaper (HTML), or download the PDF version.

Compatible with PC ONLY

ProcessPack is a GUI-driven package of sound design modules that are complementary to the CDP system.

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: ProcessPack will become a free download early in 2019, as part of our policy to make our work more readily available.
  • ProcessPack is an umbrella program for a number of high-level composition modules.
  • DISPERSAL combines a number of CDP's sound processing programs with algorithmic scripting to make it possible to compose by working directly with a musical design template, such as the dispersal or its opposite, the gathering together of sonic events.
  • Other modules are PlayMix a module that enables you to mix and audition soundfiles in real-time. Besides being useful as a way to trial mixes, this module can also be used at real-time performance eventes. Other modules include Pyramid, which layers sounds with shape presets, MidiFileReader which will load a standard MIDI file and realise it with a soundfile that you select, Sonify which will turn data into sound, and Shimmer, which is hard to describe.

  • More information about the ProcessPack modules.

The Release 7 CDP Desk Reference PDFs are bundled with the download distribution. It will therefore no longer be available as a printed and wire-bound booklet. This document lists all the functions available in CDP and their modes. It can be useful to scan through these when looking for a way to achieve a particular effect or to connect a function with its reference manual page.

Looking through the Desk Reference PDF is one way to get a better appreciation of the sound transformation facilities contained in the CDP package. The link below takes you to the main part of this document.

CDP Desk Reference PDF
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Richard Orton has written a special scripting language that can be used for real-time MIDI peformance or for writing scripts for algorithmic music.

Tabula Vigilans (i.e., 'Vigilant Table') is an advanced algorithmic composition language with a clear syntax and a handy range of built-in musical functions. It was originally designed as a real-time MIDI instrument that can play back pre-programmed or instantly generated music under mouse or keyboard control.

  • It may be useful to look on Tabula Vigilans as an algorithmic score processor. It can define and replay via MIDI music of a conventional melodic and harmonic nature to envelope-shaped multi-event textures with random features.
  • It was not originally designed to create or shape sounds, but this is now possible thanks to a new function written by John Ffitch which enables calls to CDP command line programs.
  • It can also create and output text files, such as breakpoint files or other file types used by CDP programs. This opens a pathway for a wide range of scripting possibilities including the algorithmic handling of CDP sound transformation facilities.
  • John Ffitch is currently adding new string-handling facilities that will increase ease of use and enable the use of string as well as numerical tables. This means, among other things, that MIX files can be designed and written-to-file by an algorithmic script. This vastly extends the ability of Tabula Vigilans to deal with soundfiles. A new version of Tabula Vigilans will be available for download here shortly.
  • Archer is working on a complete Tutorial Reference Manual based on Richard Orton's legacy scripts as a step towards the further use and development of Tabula Vigilans. Watch for updates!

Tabula Vigilans Information PDF
(Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Collector's Items!

Our founder-member, composer Richard Orton (d. 12 February 2013) made a number of CDs of his compositions during his lifetime. A 'printing' of these CDs has only happened once, and there are a limited number left. If you would like one of these rare CDs, you will now have to order them from Archer Endrich's website.

Page last updated: 29 July 2023